A smarter approach to planning your financial future.

WealthCheck© is a unique service offered exclusively to pharmacists in Canada. It's designed to help pharmacists and their families build a better financial future.

The road to retirement has changed

Pharmacists are always being asked to do more.  Here's another thing to add to the list: Figuring out how much to save for retirement.

Many pharmacists have a retirement account at work.  But most employers no longer provide a "full pension" at retirement.

Most pharmacists now need to plan for their retirement on their own.

What pharmacists need to know...

There are lots of Canadians in the same situation.  A recent study by the Financial Planning Standards Council shows that many people are concerned about their financial situation.

...yet many Canadians don't have a plan in place.

Source: Financial Planning Standards Council

Why should pharmacists care?

Pharmacists today have very little spare time.  So it's no wonder that many turn to a trusted advisor for help.

And for those with help, life seems a whole lot better...

One study shows that Canadians who had financial advice accumulated as much as 2.73 times more wealth than their no-advice peers.  They also reported greater confidence and less stress.

Source: Value of Advice 2012, Investment Funds Institute of Canada

Doesn't my bank do this?

There's certainly no shortage of people at the bank wanting to manage your money.  But I think that's a poor option for pharmacists.  Here's why:

​All bank employees are motivated to sell you something.  Anything.  (That's why you walk out with a new credit card and mutual fund every time you walk into a bank.)

Also, banks are only obligated to follow the "suitability standard."  That means they can sell you anything, as long as they find something "suitable" for you.

How are we different?

  • We understand pharmacists. Our unique knowledge allows us to provide you with valuable, tailored advice in the areas of investing, taxes, retirement planning, debt management, career change, insurance and estate planning.
  • We always act in your best interest.  We also follow the highest standard in the industry: the “fiduciary standard”. This means we are professionally and ethically required to put your interests above our own.

As a professional pharmacist, you deserve the highest standard in wealth management.  That's why we created Wealth Check for pharmacists.

What is Wealth Check?

Wealth Check is a customized analysis of your income, cash flow, expenses, taxes before and after retirement.  It was built exclusively for pharmacists in Canada.

The information you provide will help us develop an initial investment plan, using our program that's specifically designed for pharmacists.  We will be able to tell you:

✓  If you have saved enough for retirement.

✓  How much you need to save for retirement.

✓  What level of risk is appropriate for you.

A smarter plan for today's pharmacist

Many pharmacists have thousands of dollars saved in a variety of financial accounts (i.e. RRSPs, TFSAs, pensions plans).  But many decisions are made piecemeal with no integration and no focus on the big financial picture.

  WealthCheck is different.

By looking at your entire situation, we are able to see opportunities that others miss.  We often find synergies and cost savings that are worth thousands of dollars!

MedsChecks is what inspired us

Most pharmacists are familiar with medication reviews (i.e. MedsChecks).  Well, the MedsCheck program is the idea behind Wealth Check.

 Like medications, your accounts can interact negatively if you don't look at your entire situation.  Our plans ensure that all your accounts work together without any complications.

Meet Paul Carvaho

Trusted advisor for over 15 years.

Paul is a finance professional with over 15 years experience.  He has a Masters Degree in Business Economics, and have earned the Chartered Financial Analysis (CFA) designation.

When he's not helping pharmacists with their finances, he's hanging out with his girls (daughter Lindsay and wife Lisa).

"It's fantastic to see the positive change in pharmacists when their plan comes together.  You can actually see their confidence and optimism grow!  It's a great feeling."

Paul Carvalho, MA, CFA

Request your Wealth Check today:

There are over 42,000 licensed pharmacists in Canada, so I can't possibly offer a WealthCheck to everyone.

But I can offer this to my awesome long-term subscribers at Pharmacists First!

You took action to improve your financial situation by signing-up for our free resources and blog. I sincerely hope you take advantage of this unique opportunity, too.

Yes! I want to get my finances on track with a personalized WealthCheck.

Getting started is easy.  Isn't it time to feel good about your money?  Give it a try!